The growing awareness of climate impact from combustion has triggered massivedevelopment efforts towards fossil fuel alternatives. The main future alternative appears tobe electrification, which directly reduces tailpipe emissions. However, for freight andlogistics - in particular heavy and long-haul transportation - electrification will be slower thanfor passenger transport. At the same time, we need to act fast and promptly to reduceemissions from fossil fuels. In this context, the alternative of biomethane (vehicle gasproduced from anaerobic digestion of biowaste) surfaces as a climate-wise very interestingoption. Proponents even suggest that biomethane can entail a positive climate impact,depending on its origin. Albeit, the transformation from traditional combustion technologyto gas technology comes with a range of challenges as well as opportunities for actors in thesupply chain. This paper aims to explore these challenges and opportunities through astakeholder perspective.