Importance of the logistics industry has developed dramatically with the globalization of economies thereby raising the stakes of creating and implementing sustainable business practices across all actors within the logistics industry (Centobelli et al., 2017). Many modes of transportation are still reliant on fossil fuels. As road transportation consistently is responsible for the majority of the transportation industry’s emissions in the European Union, stakeholders have focused on methods and alternatives to decrease the amount of emission (Pieters et al., 2012). These methods and alternatives are known as Green Logistics Practices (GLPs) vary in technology, innovation and motivation thus providing varying results of carbon emission decrease. The purpose of this study is to summarize the research currently represented in published literature discussing green practice options in freight transport and logistics exploring the possible implementation of fossil-free fuels. With this background and current challenge, the researchers posed the following research questions:
(RQ1) Which GLPs are used and suggested for designing more environmentally sustainable logistics systems?
(RQ2) What challenges and opportunities lie in the use of fossil-free fuels for increasing the environmental sustainability of freight transport in a supply chain context?